Cheryl McCoy replied to the topic Encouraging Residents to get involved in the forum LEAP Discussion 7 years, 1 month ago
I love the volunteer ideas! It’s easy to forget how many people want to feel useful. The volunteer program as an actual fixture is such a great idea.
(Cheryl McCoy, Redwood Terrace) -
Cheryl McCoy started the topic Time Management in the forum LEAP Discussion 7 years, 1 month ago
My biggest consistent challenge seems to be getting everything done that needs to be done in the time allotted at work. Does anyone else have similar problems or suggestions for getting it all done?
Cheryl McCoy replied to the topic Introductions in the forum LEAP Discussion 7 years, 1 month ago
Hi! I’m Cheryl McCoy, the activity coordinator at Redwood Terrace in Grants Pass for about 15 years altogether. This looks like a very useful website. I’ve already got Pandora up and printed one idea I really like from my first visit here.
My favorite activities are scenic rides, discussion groups, and the always magic balloon badminton.…[Read more] -
Cheryl McCoy's profile was updated 7 years, 3 months ago