Jackie Penn started the topic LEAP Activity Cart in the forum LEAP Discussion 6 years, 11 months ago
Good morning its Pat at Wildwwod Canyon Villa just want to share this great activity you can use for room visits. I have a LEAP cart that contains magazines, playing cards, manicure set, animal pictures, trivia & word search, exercise putty, baby socks to assort, spiritual readings, cd player with music to play, you can add what your residents are…[Read more]
Jackie Penn started the topic #HAPPY ACTS in the forum LEAP Discussion 7 years ago
Hi everyone were excited to celebrate Happy Acts here at Wildwood I have a picture of our table I wood like to share.
Jackie Penn started the topic Wedding Vows at Wildwood in the forum LEAP Discussion 7 years ago
here are some pictures id like to share of our Valentines Day celebration
Jackie Penn started the topic Renewing wedding vows in the forum LEAP Discussion 7 years ago
Good morning everyone its Pat at Wildwood Canyon Vila we are so excited today,today for Valentines Day we will be renewing our wedding vows, we have a minister that will do the ceremony a beautiful wedding cake, champagne, appetizers, live entertainment we will be crowning King and Queen, each couple will receive a marriage certificate we have…[Read more]
Jackie Penn started the topic Valentines Day Hugs in the forum LEAP Discussion 7 years, 1 month ago
Good morning its Pat at Wildwood Canyon Villa, Id like to share this activity we did with our residents,its called Valentine hugs ,residents went around the building giving hugs to residents and staff they had each one sign their name on a paper the one resident with the most signatures wins a prize. This is a great activity just to see our…[Read more]
Jackie Penn commented on the post, Happy Activity Professionals Week! January 21 – 27 7 years, 1 month ago
Good afternoon its Pat from Wildwood great idea I am going to add a LEAP Social to my calendar, I did have one in the past and it was a hit! What I have been doing is printing out the puzzles and trivia’s LEAP […]
Jackie Penn started the topic Valentines Day door decorating contest in the forum LEAP Discussion 7 years, 1 month ago
Good afternoon its Pat at Wildwood we are having so much fun decorating residents doors, this activity has been going on since October, staff and residents team up and decorate the residents door here is a picture of one of many Valentines day door decorating contest.
Jackie Penn replied to the topic Holiday share! in the forum LEAP Discussion 7 years, 2 months ago
Hi Everyone its Pat at Wildwood, id like to share with you the holiday happenings at wildwood!
we had Santa visit and take pictures with all the children and residents, the residents put stockings together to give out to all the children our residents were so delighted, we had our local Sheriff department visit and they gave Christmas cards out…[Read more] -
Jackie Penn and
JFRF Admin are now friends 7 years, 3 months ago
Jackie Penn replied to the topic Motivating residents of differing levels of ability. in the forum LEAP Discussion 7 years, 3 months ago
Good morning its Pat from Wildwood, I find that residents like taking their naps right after lunch as well, so I start my next activity at 2:00pm it is usually bingo and I get around 15 residents for that, so I guess it just depends on what their favorite games is and Bingo here at Wildwood is a hit I change it around and make it a lot of fun.…[Read more]
Jackie Penn replied to the topic Encouraging Residents to get involved in the forum LEAP Discussion 7 years, 4 months ago
Ok great. I also ordered volunteer badges for residents to wear, they are proud to wear their badges. I will give you a list of what my volunteers do. Feed our house cat, water the garden, lead all residents every morning in the flag salute, Lead exercise class, one of our residents holds a bile study class, feed our pet rabbit, pass out daily…[Read more]
Jackie Penn replied to the topic Encouraging Residents to get involved in the forum LEAP Discussion 7 years, 4 months ago
Good morning Pat from Wildwood Canyon Villa here, If the resident is new I start off with room visits and getting to know what they enjoy doing, there are some residents that don’t like games and socials but may like going shopping I have residents that don’t come out to activities but signup for scenic bus rides and shopping trips. I also have a…[Read more]
Jackie Penn's profile was updated 7 years, 5 months ago